18325 North Allied Way Suite#110
Phoenix, Arizona 85054

Expert Tummy Tuck Procedures in Scottsdale and Phoenix, AZ

Embark on your journey to a contoured physique with a tummy tuck at the Plastic Surgery Center of Scottsdale, AZ. Under the expert care of board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sumer Daiza, our tummy tuck procedures are designed to sculpt your abdominal area, removing excess skin and fat for a smoother, firmer profile.

What Is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that aims to achieve a flatter, more toned abdomen. By removing excess skin, and unwanted fat, and repairing weakened or separated muscles, this procedure can significantly enhance your body contour. Dr. Daiza tailors each tummy tuck to meet the unique needs and aesthetic goals of her patients.

Who Are the Candidates?

Ideal candidates for a tummy tuck are those close to their ideal body weight but struggling with loose abdominal skin or a protruding belly that does not improve with diet and exercise. Suitable candidates include individuals in good general health, non-smokers, and those with realistic expectations about the outcomes. This procedure is prevalent among women post-pregnancy and individuals who have experienced significant weight loss.

Before and After


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Types of Tummy Tuck Procedures

Full Abdominoplasty: Best suited for patients who require comprehensive correction, a full tummy tuck involves an incision across the lower abdomen and around the navel. It addresses the entire abdominal area, removing excess skin and fat while tightening muscles.

Mini Abdominoplasty: Ideal for those with concerns below the navel, a mini tummy tuck involves a smaller incision and less extensive correction, focusing on the lower abdomen.

Endoscopic Abdominoplasty: Utilizing a camera and minimal incisions, this procedure is recommended for patients with weakened abdominal muscles but little to no excess skin. It offers the least visible scarring.

Recovery Process

The recovery from a tummy tuck varies by individual and the extent of the procedure. Patients can expect a recovery period of several weeks, during which activity is limited. Dr. Daiza and her team provide comprehensive post-operative care instructions and support to ensure a smooth and effective healing process.


Dr. Daiza was referred to me by the PCP office, I was amazed at Dr. Daiza’s credentials. Once I met Dr. Daiza she made me comfortable and at ease with my procedure. I went in for a tummy tuck, I went from a size 8 to a size 4. I love my new body thanks to Dr. Daiza.
from Google user Deanna Quigley-Blades


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Tummy Tuck Consultation

A comprehensive consultation begins your path to a slimmer midsection. During this initial meeting with Dr. Daiza, she will engage in a detailed discussion about your aesthetic aspirations and conduct a thorough evaluation of your abdominal region. This essential step allows her to understand your specific concerns and desires fully. Based on this in-depth assessment, Dr. Daiza will expertly recommend the tummy tuck procedure that aligns best with your unique body type and goals.

Embracing a highly personalized approach, Dr. Daiza is dedicated to crafting a tailored treatment plan that optimally addresses your individual needs, ensuring that you are guided toward achieving the best possible outcome for your physique. This meticulous and considerate process underscores our commitment to delivering personalized care that is as unique as each patient we serve.

Cost of a Tummy Tuck

The cost of a tummy tuck at the Plastic Surgery Center of Scottsdale varies based on the surgical approach and individual patient factors. A personalized treatment plan, including a detailed price quote, will be provided during your consultation, ensuring transparency, and allowing for informed decision-making.

Contact Us to Learn More

To discover how a tummy tuck can transform your appearance arrange a consultation with Dr. Daiza. The Plastic Surgery Center of Scottsdale is regarded as a top provider of customized tummy tucks with exceptional results. Contact us today to learn more about your options and begin your transformation journey.

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